High cholesterol is a major problem affecting people across the country.  Here is a health tip that will help you with your high cholesterol issues.  The more fiber you have in your body, the more cholesterol is removed.  Why not test it for yourself.  Have a blood test run and then have a follow up blood test run 30 days later.  You may be very surprised that your number are better.  Oats are a great source of fiber and studies have shown their benefits.  Why not add a variety of oat based meals for your 30 day test. Try adding – oatmeal, oat cereal like Cheerios, oat granola bars, oatmeal muffins, cooked steel cut oats in place of rice, add oatmeal to smoothies or even homemade oatmeal cookies.  There are tons of ways to make delicious meals with oats.

Here is one of my favorite oatmeal smoothie recipes.  It’s a powerhouse recipe for great flavor, nutrient dense and full of cholesterol blocking fiber.

1/4 cup of oats ( add more oats if you want a thicker smoothie)

6 frozen strawberries

6 dates

10 raw cashews

1 cup of strawberry yogurt

almond milk enough to blend

Put all ingredients in the blender.  Whiz and enjoy.

For more healthy recipes check this out.