Momentum – Get Started and Keep it Going

Never stand in your own way.  Many times in life we set out to do a task and never get started.  That is like having a car in the driveway and all the wheels are on flat.  You will never get anywhere unless you start.  That one simple action will be the motivation to start momentum.  Once momentum has been started it is hard to stop.  Have you ever pushed a child on a swing?  You start slow and then it builds.  The momentum can get so strong that you have to step back or the swing will hit you.  It only takes a small push to get things moving.  Afterwards there is constant progression forward.

When Should You Start Momentum?

The best way to start momentum is now.  You may never have another opportunity.  There is great value to the present moment.  There is great value to living in that moment.  Don’t let time slip from your grasp.  You will never get it back. Seize the day.  Make something progressive happen now.  Leave procrastination and hesitation in the past.

Momentum in life requires a “YES” mindset.  Once you put your mind in that pathway of thinking, action follows.  Get rid of “NO” mentality.  There is a time for that, but when it comes to dreams and desires being accomplished, it can be a hindrance.  Once you make the decision to do something by saying yes, then do it.  Don’t wait.  Don’t put it off, just do it.  If you live your life this way you will have very little regrets, if any.

Where Does Momentum Take You?

Momentum can lead you to become the best version of yourself.  It can take you on an adventure.  Momentum can open doors of opportunity.  It can change your life!  Need more inspiration? Click.