Praying for You

Praying for you is the best thing that I can do for your day and mine. To know that someone is praying for you can be very encouraging. The reason that I am offering this prayer today, is for your wellbeing. It will also bring me the satisfaction of having done a good deed. Receive this prayer with an open heart.

Dear God,

May you reach your hand across the globe and touch people’s lives today. I ask that you encourage those that need to be encouraged. I ask that you bear the burdens of those that are hurting. I am praying that you deliver the hurt from oppression.  I am praying that you bring peace to tormented minds, direction to those seeking to find answers and guidance to those that are confused.

I ask that you send restoration for those on the verge of ending relationships. I ask that you send healing to the sick. I pray for those worn and wearied by life and ask that you refresh them. I am praying that your light overcomes darkness. I am praying that your strength overcome weakness. I also ask that you reach out and give people a reason to smile today. I ask that you remind them of reasons to be thankful. Dear God, I finally ask that you do something special for the person reading this prayer, so that they will know, without doubt, that you have intervened in their life today.



If you need more encouragement, click here. Thank you for reading this prayer and I truly hope that you have a blessed and wonderful day.