Give Him What He Wants In Marriage/

Sometimes keeping a marriage healthy boils down to just a few basic ingredients. I know how we can complicate things in life, but putting some elements into perspective just makes it much easier to keep a marriage healthy, in tact, spontaneous and thriving. So here is my perspective:

1.Give your husband as enough sex to make him want you as much as the air he breathes.
2.Feed him a great meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner so that he won’t want to go out and eat unless it is with you on a date.
3.Learn how to listen twice as much as you speak. Men hate a nag. The Bible says it is better for a man to live in the corner of a rooftop than with a nagging wife. Don’t have that type of marriage.

Don’t under estimate the power in those 3 simple statements.  Sex brings bonding, unity and peace in a household if it is carried about in a loving, meaningful and respectful way.  It provides comfort and solace.  We live in a stressed out world and are constantly bombarded with change and life issues.  To be able to come home and know that there is a fountain of love waiting for him will give him stability and a sense of belonging. Use your sensuality to be a haven for your husband.

Let’s have lunch has probably destroyed more marriages than anything else. Some crazy, ill advised affairs have been set in motion by a single lunch or dinner date.  Keep your man feed. Don’t leave him open to give an invitation to be asked out or be asked for one.  Fix a good breakfast, lunch and diner so that he’ll enjoy his day and won’t be tempted to go “out to lunch.”

Sometimes keeping your mouth shut is the best gift you can give to your husband.  Listen to him more than you nag, complain or jab.  He’ll appreciate it.  Men really need to feel appreciate and they are more vulnerable than you think.  They may have a tough exterior but there is still a teddy bear inside.  If you don’t believe it watch how he acts around his mom.  He knows his mother is going to love him and she often see’s a softer side of him than you do as his wife.  You don’t have to be his mother or act like his mother, but at least learn some of her practices that make your husband drop everything when she needs something.  There’s a reason that he’ll jump out of the bed a 1:00 AM in the morning to fix her bathroom sink.  Yet when you ask him to do the same thing it takes 6 months and an argument.
Trust me, to do those simple things well, will take a lifetime of effort. I believe your marriage will be blessed more than you can imagine