Finding Love Again/

You ever felt like you don’t love him (her) like you used to? Sometimes a simple adjustment will keep your marriage thriving so that you won’t feel that way. Hitting the reverse button in your mind will often help you to connect to the first time that you felt this way and making an adjustment to that point in time could revive the relationship. The question to ask is, when was the last time you truly connected to loving him? The next question to ask is, what disturbed that peace in your life at that particular point in time? The third question to ask is, can this be resolved? Do you want the matter resolved? Then finally, how can this be resolved so that love can be restored?

If the two of you are willing to address this by going back in time to see where things began to fade, then you perhaps you can reconnect at that point and then move forward. Dear God, bless this person and help them to find their way.

Linda Leon is an ordained minister, entrepreneur, ghostwriter and Certified Nutritionist. Her background is also in commercial television broadcast and marketing. She is an author and her most recent books are Publishing and Publicity for Smart People and Rock Star Marketing for the Emerging Author. Contact Linda at 2016 Linda Leon. All Rights Reserved.

photo credit: Will & Meghan Engagement Portraits (7) via photopin (license)