I Hate My Husband

I hate my husband.  This is such a desperate cry from women around the world. But the fact that he is still your husband means that you don’t hate him as much as you think that you do.  Otherwise you would be saying, “I hate my ex-husband.”  So why is he still your husband?  This is barring complex situations of abuse where you can’t leave because you fear for your life or are being abused.  This article is not being addressed to that group because you are in need of professional assistance and need to seek it immediately.  I am speaking to women who are tired of their husbands leaving dirty clothes on the floor, the ones that are tired of their husband’s missing their anniversary and the ones that have kicked their husband’s out of the bedroom.  You are simply tired of dealing with that mess of a husband and you want out of the relationship.  If that sounds like you, keep reading.


Thinking of Divorce Papers?

Before you sign those divorce papers ask yourself will the quality of your life significantly improve? Or will you regret the day that you ended the marriage? In order to answer those two questions it might be a good idea to go back to the last time that you said I love my husband.  Was it a month ago, a year ago or decade ago?  What was the trigger that changed your heart from love to hate?  You loved him once.  You still have an ember of love or you wouldn’t be reading this article.  You would be divorced.  Perhaps by digging a little you can find the root of the problem, fix it and start again.  Marriage is really like a computer.  It may get a virus sometimes.  A wise person would not toss their computer just because it got a virus.  They would troubleshoot it, starting at the point where things went wrong.  They would fix those problems and keep using the computer because it is valuable.

You Can Love Him Again

I bet deep inside your heart you know you have a good man.  But something happened along the way that changed that.  The truth is that some marriages will fail.  Too much damage has been done from years of neglect.  That doesn’t have to be your marriage.  The critical point in saving a marriage is that both of you want to save the marriage. If one wants to leave and the other wants to stay, that would be a hard burden to bear and the quality of your life might not do well.  But if both spouses want to stay in the relationship but are just worn out with it each other, then there is a ray of hope.  The bible says that two people can not walk together unless they are in agreement.  Agreeing to stay together is the first part of recovery.  Hash things out, give in to each other, rekindle your romance.  If you loved him once, you can love again if you remember why you loved him in the first place.  Make a commitment to spend time together, to talk and most importantly to listen.  Then begin to treat each other with honor and respect.  Show acts of kindness towards each other every day and bond together intimately as much as possible.  I believe that soon you will say, “I like my husband.”  Before long I believe those words will deepen into “I love my husband, again.”

A Helpful Resource

Sometimes all you need is a little inspiration to start again.  It is a romance novel that was written to inspire people not to get a divorce.  The book has had hundreds of readers.   If you’d like to join them, here is the link.  You do not have to become a divorce statistic, you can go beyond saying, ” I hate my husband.”  Have faith that your marriage can get better.  Trust God that by prayer, communicating your needs with your spouse and a dedicated work ethic to restore the marriage, your victory is at hand.