What are You Most Proud of?

I am always about improving my writing skills because that is part of my profession.  I am sent writing prompts daily as part of a course. The most recent prompt is what are you most proud of? I thought about a lot of things. I am very proud of my marriage, my children and the lifestyle that I currently live. I am proud to be a part of the family of God. Those things are on the top of my list, but right along with them would be that I am proud of how I have helped others.

Does Your Life Have Impact?

A friend made a statement about my life that has impacted me for years. The person said, The world is a better place because you are in it.” That was a very proud moment for me. I have sacrificed a lot to make life better for others. I have given inspiration, support and encouragement bountifully.  I have helped to lift people up when they are down. I have spent hours nurturing and providing motivation to help people to reach their dreams. I have willingly given a lot of my life away. That is what I am called by God to do.  It has been an amazing journey.

Live Your Dreams

Les Brown once said that on your deathbed will there be anything that you regret. He asked, will you regret dreams not being accomplished, books not being written, businesses not being started or life goals not being fulfilled. As he spoke those words I could honestly say that none of those things will apply to me. I’ve taken risks. I’ve dived deep to accomplish my goals and aspirations. I’ve taken steps of faith to unleash my potential, visions and goals. I pray that you will be able to say the same thing. If you can’t, you can always start today. Allow this very moment to be the best time of your life. Life your dreams. Live in a way that you are most proud of. For more inspiration click here.